Sunday, January 20, 2013

Exceeding DepED's Minimum Standard


EXCEEDING THE MINIMUM STANDARD – This has been the extent of compliance described for the Overall Mean Rate of 3 garnered by the Lake Lanao College, Inc., in the recently held Institutional self-evaluation using the ESC/EVS (Re-) Certification Assessment Instrument of the Department of Education (DepEd). 

 Table shows the vital areas of Instructional program, student services, administration and governance and Institutional Planning and Development have respectively earned an Area Mean of 3 and describes as “areas having provision or condition that are extensive and functioning very satisfactorily.”  Other Areas placed at “2” and thus remain to be “practicing the minimum standard.”
Rating are based on verifiable facts and evidence, interviews with concerned stakeholders and the Rater’s personal observations, assessment and evaluation specified in 220-item Questionnaire.  The evaluation is administered by a team of specialists in the management, academic and campus affairs.

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